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2016 Calendars

It’s been a long time since I updated the blog. So long in fact that it’s time for 2016 Calendars and 2015 Calendars are the last post. Suffice to say it’s been a busy year. This year there are two calendars! One is a regular landscape calendar and the other is from my trip to Europe.

First up is a preview of the 2016 Landscape Calendar: Click here for a bigger version

2016 calendar grids - regular

Second is the 2016 Europe Calendar: Click here for a bigger version

2016 calendar grids - europe

If you would like to place an order use the links below. Calendars will be the exact same printer as last year and delivery will be in time for Christmas! I’m planning to ship orders by December 15th.
Calendars are $20 + $6 shipping USPS Priority Mail.

    2016 Landscape Calendar

    2016 Europe Calendar

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